Pledge to Vote 2024 has begun!
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Pledge to Vote is about strengthening our democracy.It is a campaign of Together LA to engage hundreds of faith and community institutions across Louisiana to organize their members and their neighborhoods to vote. We believe our democracy is healthier when everyone votes, so we developed a voting strategy over the last three years that really works. We’ve found making a Pledge to Vote as part of a campaign through a community institution is the most effective way to increase voter turnout and rebuild a culture of voting. |
Pledge to Vote involves three basic steps:
- Congregations, fraternities & sororities, unions & civic organizations sign up to take part in Pledge to Vote.
- Participating organizations run a pledge drive through its networks.
- Voter turnout teams at each organization contact their pledgers during early voting and on election day to make sure they turn out to vote.
Pledge to Vote is a non-partisan campaign that does not support any particular candidate.